Saturday, February 28, 2009
ringtones of DOTA ALLSTAR :D
3ple kill
- IMF_Toost : quiter
- Team [3d] : Hack map
- Team [3gi] : Hack map
- WarmBoy_lonely : Kser
- WarmBoy_lonely : Feeder
- [hehe]rockit : Noob
- A(-_-)Tre : Quiter + noob
- letiennhan : Feeder
- My_Love_wow : Quiter
- team [TN] : Noob
- nhatkhuong : Noob
- 1KiepPro : Feeder
- Trunganh02 : Noob
- linhtinh181 : Quiter
- Bossmini : Noob
- Sr.Yuna (Siêu noob)
- Consternated : Noob
- .[Ti] : Hack map
- .Ti : hack map
- N_N_TimDoiThu : Feeder
- Mr.chim hoặc Mrs.Snow : Hack map
- Afterlai : Noob
- Vutrungquy : Quiter
- istillloveyou86 : Noob
- Krazy1 : Quiter
- mnb009 : Quiter + noob
- huukhuong : Quiter + noob
- viet_ini_ : Hack map
- meo7683 : Noob
all41 :quiter
lantim :quiter
hynplo :noob
[wow]noob4ever :hackmap
ALL GAMERS IN CLAN [KnrT] :Bd +hackmap
7harems :noob
Team [3d] Full hm
Team [3gi] Full hm
Fun modes Dota allstar :D
-wtf | When an ability is used, all cooldowns are reset and your mana is set to full. Certain triggered abilities will seem as if they have no cooldown, but will not have any effect until the time which it would normally be cooled down has passed. (One example is Borrowed Time) |
game modes of dota allstar
-deathmatch -dm | If you die, you will have to pick a new hero once you can respawn. Deathmatch must be selected before any primary game mode to work. If a random primary mode was selected, you will recieve a hero according to that random mode. A team loses if it has 36 deaths, or if its ancient is destroyed. Incompatible with allintelligence, allagility, allstrength, teamrandom, leaguemode, moderandom, voterandom and samehero. |
-itemdrop -id | When you die, a random slot in your inventory will drop whatever it holds. You no longer lose money when dieing. Incompatible with leaguemode. |
-supercreeps -sc | Every now and then, a super creep may spawn for each side and follow the creeps in either lane. The weakest supercreep is the siege golem, a bit stronger is the scary fish, and the ancient hydra is the strongest one. Incompatible with leaguemode. |
-easymode -em | Towers are weaker, experience is gained faster, and you get more periodic gold. Incompatible with leaguemode. |
-nopowerups -np | No runes will spawn. Incompatible with leaguemode. |
-allagi -aa | Only agility heroes may be chosen. Incompatible with allstrength, allintelligence, deathmatch, voterandom and leaguemode. |
-allint -ai | Only intelligence heroes may be chosen. Incompatible with allstrength, allagility, deathmatch, voterandom and leaguemode. |
-allstr -as | Only strength heroes may be chosen. Incompatible with allagility, allintelligence, deathmatch, voterandom and leaguemode. |
-shuffleplayers -sp | The teams will be randomly shuffled. This includes which colour you have and which side you are on. Compatible with all other modes. |
-mirrormatch -mm | mirrormatch: Requires that both teams have the same number of players. After one minute, each player pair (blue - pink, teal - gray, purple - light blue, yellow - dark green, orange - brown) will have their heroes replaced with either one of the two they had. In the end, each player pair has the same hero, and both teams have the same matchup. Incompatible with samehero, voterandom and leaguemode. |
-duplicatemode -du | The same hero can be picked, or randomed, by multiple players. Incompatible with leaguemode. |
-samehero -sh | All players will have the hero that blue picks. Incompatible with mirrormatch, voterandom and leaguemode. |
game modes of dota allstar
-allpick -ap | Everyone may pick heroes from any tavern. Incompatible with allrandom, teamrandom, leaguemode, moderandom, voterandom, and reverse. |
-allrandom -ar | Every player gets a random hero from any tavern. Incompatible with allpick, teamrandom, leaguemode, voterandom, moderandom, and reverse. |
-moderandom -mr | Randomly picks a mode from ar, ap, tr and normal pick. Incompatible with allrandom, allpick, teamrandom, leaguemode, voterandom, reverse, and deathmatch. |
-leaguemode -lm | All forms of random are disabled. 10 players required. The teams will pick in alternating orders, one team picking one hero, the other team picks two heroes, the first team picks two heroes, the other team picks two heroes, the first team picks their two last heroes, the other team picks their last hero. (1-2-2-2-2-1). The team which has the first pick is random. Incompatible with allrandom, allpick, mirrormatch, teamrandom, deathmatch, moderandom, allagility, allintelligence, allstrength, itemdrop, nopowerups, supercreeps, easymode, duplicatemode, voterandom, samehero, and reverse. |
-voterandom -vr | Three random matchups will be chosen, and each players gets to cast a vote on which of the three matchups they want, using "-option #" where # is 1, 2 or 3. Needs an even amount of players on each team to be activated. Incompatible with leaguemode, allrandom, mirrormode, teamrandom, deathmatch, moderandom, allagility, allintelligence, allstrength, samehero, and reverse. |
-reverse | The Sentinel's players pick the Scourge's team and the Scourge's players pick the Sentinel's team. Needs an even amount of players on each team to be activated. Incompatible with allpick, allrandom, teamrandom, moderandom, leaguemode, voterandom, deathmatch, and samehero. |
[F4F7] vs The Firm(Semifinal)
Sand king
war game :F4F
1.39 MB
DotA Allstars v6.57b
93:37 min
[PL_XI] vs IGG <4 and 5 >
Shadow shaman
priestess of the moon
Raigor Storebool
game: Match
1.37 MB
DotA Allstars v6.59c
90:29 min
[CW] SK vs Dignitas (Undying by Snow)
War game :)
Holy Knight
Death Prophet
Shadow Fiend.
Lina Inverse
priestess of the moon
demnok Lamnik
Sand king
game: Draft
822.92 KB
Map:DotA Allstars v6.59c
52:13 min
6:38PM Thu 26 Feb 2009
community game Dota :).I am new gamers join .i not know the people involved with the Fun .people have experienced the cue.
Difficult times often call for desperate and difficult measures to earn that much needed income. With the advent of the internet, earning is no longer as difficult with the availability of various modes to earn tangible income from virtual transactions. Note these tips on how to make money online, and start generating income in no time.
1. Explore your online money-making options.
The internet is a lucrative hub of information that points not always to plain entertainment but also to useful income-related activities. Check the internet for a multitude of money-making options, from online marketing and advertising of your products of other people’s products, to offering writing, editing, graphic, or clerical services. If you are wondering about how to make money from the comfort of your own home, these full time or part time online ventures are perfect for you.
2. Invest on your interest and skills.
If you find yourself more passionate in the sales and marketing aspect of your online activity, pursue it in depth to master the details. Explore related activities. For online content writers, you can also earn from blogs and essays, as well as from other SEO activities.
3. Follow through and expand!
The question of how to make money online will be easily answered once you dedicate yourself in mastering your chosen venture. For affiliate marketers, you can earn more by expanding your site to cater merchants selling a variety of products. You can employ other marketing tools to maximize visitor count and site visibility such having keyword-rich contents and expanded links. Before you know it, you could be your own boss in your affiliate program. These tips on how to make money online are guaranteed to help you earn as much as you can over the internet.
If you are looking for ways to make money online. You are where you need to be right now. I have been in the same position you are in less than a year ago. I have been through getting Programs that were over hyped, didn't teach you what you needed to know, or like 99% of them, just flat out old information. When I signed up for this course I though well I will give it a try. The more I saw I realized I was in the right place. This is where the money is on the internet!
I am talking about affiliate marketing. The amount of money you can make doing this is astounding. You don't have the hassle of having to compete with power sellers on eBay or shipping out the product. When I joined this class I was a "newbie". I can say now that I am well on my way to making a HUGE income online. These are the right people to teach you. They can teach you step by step how to find a product to promote and how to get online traffic to buy that product. Merchants online would rather pay affiliates to go out and market for them than hire a whole team on the payroll. You work for commissions and the more you make, the more they make.
The PPC Classroom course was actually opened last year but it was closed pretty fast as a lot
Click Here to Give it a Try
If you don't know yet, many people who signed up the PPC Classroom last year were actually a complete newbie. After four months in PPC classroom, A sampling of students are now making a combined total of over $4 million per year, and yes even in a down economy.
Although this is a course on affiliate marketing, if you are a business person trying to learn how to promote your own business or product online, they can teach you how to draw traffic to your website. You can market anything you wish after you learn. You can develop the ability to figure out what is hot, get a campaign set up and launch it. After you learn how to do this, you can choose whatever you like to do and become a huge presence online. Given the way they teach this, you also have the ability to let the advertising campaigns run on autopilot while you have the time to do whatever you wish.
Click Here to Get Started
A basic rule of thumb is, put a dollar in and get a dollar back every day. Who wouldn't want an investment like that. I'm not going to say this is going to happen overnight because it takes dedication. If you tried to figure this out yourself, it would take a long time and many people wouldn't make it. This course can cut that time down tremendously. I have been with them a little over 4 months now and I'm well on my way. This will be the best decision you could make! I hope to see you there. -PPC CLassroom-
We all know that placing ads on your blog can make you a substantial amount of money. When it comes to choosing the company most people choose Google Adsense because of its popularity and consistency. However, I have found that Bidvertiser is also a good alternative to Google Adsense.
Reasons I like Bidvertiser
- Bidvertiser's payout is only $10 which is a lot better than Adsense's $100. This allows people to receive payment more frequently. Many blogs take a while to generate $100 dollars in earnings so $10 looks more friendly is easier to achieve.
- Bidvertiser pays by check. For some people who don't have Paypal like me, this is a huge advantage because it allows me to monetize my blog.
- For people who have blogs or websites that pertain to making money online, Bidvertiser is for you. I have learned that for these kinds of sites, Bidvertiser outperforms Google Adsense by a fair amount.
Using Adsense and Bidvertiser
There are a number of people who use Bidvertiser along with Google Adsense. This is a great idea because it diversifies the ads and gives you two places to make money from. From what I have heard and read, the results are pretty good for this.
Referral Program
- When a user signs as an advertiser and first spends $10, we'll credit your account with $5. When that same advertiser spends $50, you will be credited with an additional $20.
- When a user signs as a publisher and first earns $10, we'll credit your account with $10. When that same publisher earns $50, you will be credited with an additional $40.
If you have had problems with Adsense you might want to consider Bidvertiser. It's reliable and can really help your blog make money.
My Blog:
Earlier I told you about a new online money making program called 32 Days To Success. And with the official program launch only a couple days away (March 1st) there is a flood of new free stuff being given away at the website.
And this stuff isn't the typical things you see people giving away, but hours of great content packed videos that give detailed information on several ways to make money online.
Currently, James has just release a "secret video area" with 3 videos that show you some easy ways to start making money online.
Video 1 - This is all about a cool way to make money online by just playing games. Definitely great if you're one of those type of people that play online games.
Video 2 - This goes over a whole bunch of effective ways to get quality traffic to your site and how you can make money by driving free traffic to sites online. Really worth checking out if you're looking for ways to make money online or if you're looking for some great ways to promote your own website.
Video 3 - Shows you how to set up a cash generating online business with minimum effort (in fact 99% of the work has already been done for you with this).
You can get insider access to these videos by just going to the website and signing up. You'll get access to these videos and a whole pile of other cool videos and content like a 33-page report that tells the story of how a high school dropout made $122,672.24 in just 32 days.
James has put in a lot of time and effort into creating the 32 Days to Success program - and it really shows. Simply put, this program will teach you how to make money online.
The techniques he teaches are proven, time tested “money-getting” strategies that have been making people money online for years. And because of this fact, you can be sure they'll make you money online too - despite the current economy situation
There are even people making money with the free info he’s been giving away all month. So if you’re looking for ways to make money online I’d recommend you check out
Các hệ thống quảng cáo giúp kiếm tiền từ blog
25 thủ thuật tăng traffic cho blog
Để có một blog thành công nhất thiết phải có 2 yếu tố: nội dung hay và thu hút được nhiều người đọc. Một blog có hay và hấp dẫn đến mấy mà không có người đọc thì mãi mãi nó chỉ là một hòn đảo hoang. Nếu muốn là một blogger chuyên nghiệp và có một blog thành công thì bạn phải quan tâm đến việc tìm người đọc cho blog của mình.
Viết nội dung đã là một việc rất khó, nhưng làm thế nào để thu hút được nhiều người đến đọc blog của mình lại càng khó hơn. Nếu bạn là người mới vào nghề, chắc hẳn bạn sẽ còn nhiều bỡ ngỡ và chưa biết phải bắt đầu từ đâu. Nhưng đừng lo, Phamen sẽ giới thiệu với các bạn cách mà những blogger thành công đã làm để học hỏi.
1. Sridhar Katakam
Hãy dõi bước theo các blog và viết comment trên đó. Một cách khá tốt để theo dõi các ý kiến trên các blog là cài MyBlogLog widget vào blog và ghé thăm blog của những người đã từng ghé thăm blog của bạn.
2. Ian Delaney
Không có gì thu hút được traffic nhiều và lâu dài bằng giá trị của nội dung trên blog. Những bài viết hay sẽ được mọi người link đến và chúng sẽ có mặt trên, việc có mặt trong sẽ tốt hơn rất nhiều so với có mặt trang chủ của Digg.
3. Scott Townsend
Hãy thông báo cho các bộ máy tìm kiếm và Technorati (sử dụng chức năng Ping) ngay khi blog của bạn được cập nhật. Việc này sẽ giúp bạn có được nhiều traffic nhất từ các nguồn trên.
4. Kyle
Rất đơn giản. Hãy chú ý đến những vấn đề phức tạp trong lĩnh vực của bạn. Đó có thể là một vấn đề rất hóc búa cần giải quyết hoặc một khái niệm rất khó giải thích. Hãy giới thiệu nó với mọi người, hãy làm cho nó ngắn hơn và giải thích nó theo cách thật dễ hiểu bằng chính những kiến thức và kinh nghiệm của bạn. Tôi thấy rất ngạc nhiên khi biết rằng những bài viết đơn giản sẽ xuất hiện bên trên các bài viết phức tạp trên các kết quả tìm kiếm. Có lẽ đây là lí do vì sao nó giúp tăng traffic.
5. Grant Gerver
Hãy cố tạo các khơi gợi để tranh luận. Tôi viết về tất cả những viễn cảnh chính trị theo một cách hài hước, nhưng mặt khác lại chế nhạo và mỉa mai.
6. Daniel
Một thủ thuật đơn giản có thể sẽ giúp tăng page view là: cài translator plugin. Tôi quyết định bỏ tiền để mua plugin này. Nhưng nếu tôi không nhầm thì có một số khác miễn phí. Kết quả dịch thuật có thể không tốt lắm, nhưng dù sao nó cũng giúp thu hút những người không thông thạo tiếng Anh có thể hiểu được tiếng Anh qua ngôn ngữ của họ.
7. Rory
Hãy đăng các bài viết của bạn lên blog carnivals. Hầu như mọi bài viết của bạn sẽ được đăng, và chắc chắn nó sẽ thu hút được thêm khách xem.
8. Ramen Junkie
Newsgroups. Tôi luôn thấy hiệu quả khi viết đánh giá trên một newsgroup.
9. Eric Atkins
Hãy tạo một giao diện mới cho blog. Không những nó thu hút hơn trong mắt người đọc thân quen, mà bạn còn có thể đưa nó lên một số site CSS gallery. Bạn sẽ có được rất nhiều traffic và backlink từ những site này.
10. Megan Taylor
Hãy tham gia thảo luận trên những blog có chủ đề tương tự. Hãy bắt đầu từ chính blog của bạn. Đừng chỉ viết về một câu chuyện và để nó nằm chềnh ềnh ở đó, hãy thu hút đọc giả, hãy khơi gợi các câu hỏi và kêu gọi hành động
11. Guido
Viết ý kiến trên các blog. Viết các nội dung hữu ích và kết bạn với mọi người trên các forum.
12. Brian Auer
Để có traffic, bạn phải năng động. Tôi viết comment trên các blog khác có liên quan đến blog của tôi, và tôi post cả link của tôi ở phần chữ kí trên các forum. Hãy quảng cáo cho blog của bạn bằng các dòng chữ thật to và chắc chắn nó sẽ thu hút người đọc.
13. Shankar Ganesh
Hãy chịu khó lòng vòng trên và chắc chắn bạn sẽ tìm thêm được người đọc cho blog của mình. Hãy cố gắng tham gia càng nhiều các cộng đồng có liên quan đến bạn càng tốt.
14. Andrew Timberlake
Một thủ thuật để tăng traffic rất tuyệt vời là hãy thêm địa chỉ blog của bạn trong các bussiness card, các tiêu đề thư, các cuốn sách, và quảng cáo trong các chữ kí.
15. Cory OBrien
Hãy đọc thật nhiều các blog khác. Hãy để lại trackbacks. Hãy chú tâm tối ưu hóa blog cho các bộ máy tìm kiếm. Hãy chú trọng đến các site bookmark trực tuyến như digg.
16. Jester
Hãy để lại comment trên các blog khác. Nếu bạn đã đọc xong một bài viết trên blog khác, thì bạn chỉ mất vài giây để để lại một lời nhắn về việc đồng tình hay phản đối với tác giả. Bạn sẽ được để lại một link đến blog của bạn và chắc chắn bạn sẽ có thêm traffic từ comment đó.
17. Goerge Manty
Hãy viết 3-5 lần mỗi ngày. Sử dụng các dịch vụ ping như pingomatic hoặc là thiết lập Wordpress để tự động ping các dịch vụ này. Hãy khơi gợi người đọc. Đặt các polls, hãy hỏi người đọc các câu hỏi, hãy đưa ra các câu đố, các công cụ miễn phí, v.v.. Hãy làm cho họ muốn quay lại và muốn giới thiệu với bạn bè của họ về bạn
18. Engtech
Cộng đồng. Nó chỉ là một từ nhưng nó là từ quan trọng nhất khi bước vào thế giới blog. Xây dựng một cộng đồng xung quang bạn sẽ giúp bạn tăng traffic rất nhiều. Nhưng phải bắt đầu thế nào? Câu trả lời tốt nhất luôn là “SEO, các mạng xã hội và viết comment trên các blog khác.
19. Splork
Tôi đã từng có những bài viết thành công và đã đăng lên EzineArticles. Những bài viết có các từ khóa tối ưu cho việc tìm kiếm và được EzineArticles chấp nhận sẽ có xu hướng xếp hạng rất cao trên Google. Hãy đặt các liên kết bằng các từ khóa ở cuối các bài viết để người đọc có thể ghé thăm blog của bạn là cách rất tốt để tăng traffic.
20. Kat
Tôi tham gia vào các cộng đồng giống như MySpace. Tôi chia sẻ suy nghĩ trên forum của họ, viết giới thiệu về blog của tôi trên blog của họ và tôi tạo một nhóm cho riêng mình. Cách này giúp tôi rất thành công.
21. Inspirationbit
Hầu như mọi người đều biết các trang bookmark xã hội như Digg,, v.v.. mang đến rất nhiều traffic. Nhưng hiện tại tôi đang đăng một số bài viết của mình lên (một site giống như digg), và tôi luôn nhận được không tồi traffic từ họ.
22. Mark Alves
Tham gia vào trả lời các câu hỏi trên Yahoo Answers và cố gắng đặt liên kết đến blog của bạn trong các câu trả lời đó nếu như câu hỏi đó có liên quan đến blog của bạn
23. Brandon Wood
Một thủ thuật đơn giản mà tôi đã từng sử dụng để tăng traffic cho blog của mình là tham gia vào dự án viết blog theo nhóm.
24. KWiz
Viết những thứ gây tranh luận. Tôi không nghĩ việc viết những điều gây tranh cãi chỉ vì mục đích có thêm traffic là tốt, nhưng thực sự nó rất có tác dụng.
25. Dennis Coughlin
Tìm những blog hay nhất và liên lạc với các chủ blog đó. Hãy giới thiệu về mình và gửi cho họ địa chỉ blog của bạn. Nó sẽ giúp họ đọc, khám phá blog của bạn. Và biết đâu họ sẽ link đến bạn.
Trên đây không phải là tất cả các cách có thể giúp tăng traffic cho blog của bạn và nó cũng không phải là một bài học chính thống. Còn có rất nhiều cách khác nữa. Có thể bạn đã biết hoặc chưa biết, có thể nó phù hợp hoặc không phù hợp với bạn. Nhưng dù sao nó cũng là những tham khảo rất thú vị cho những blogger mới vào nghề.
nhắn tin miễn phí
kick vào link và làm theo hướng dẫn. các bạn có thể sử dụng dịch vụ này để HACK VCOIN của AU,FIFA.....
Thursday, February 26, 2009
gamers please register fast feet !
Have fun
their mediation to the world of heroes, the home team winning, building a brand name of the clan.
CAL-O Registrations Are Open!
Have Fun !
All CAL Operations are currently suspended while the acquisition is being completed. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused to the community.
A more formal announcement will be made in the coming days regarding when operations will resume.
-CAL Network and Operations Staff
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Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Dota Allstar 6.60
Language: | English |
Date: | 2009-02-13 |
MD5: | 3c26dc9e5a6465bda0174bc928be30d9 |
Filesize: | 3.22 Mb |
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Monday, February 23, 2009
Copy of AJ Shigeki@Forum - paster: pth
• Aggron Stonebreaker, the Ogre Magi: Ogre Magi, Ogre
• Aiushtha, the Enchantress: Enchantress, Enchant
• Akasha, the Queen of Pain: QoP, Queen
• Anub'arak, the Nerubian Assassin: Nerub, NA
• Anub'seran, the Nerubian Weaver: Nerub, Weaver
• Atropos, the Bane Elemental: Bane
• Azgalor, the Pit Lord: Pit
• Azwraith, the Phantom Lancer: PL, Lancer, Azwraith
• Balanar, the Night Stalker: NS
• Banehallow, the Lycanthrope: Lycan, Bane, Wolf
• Barathrum, the Spiritbreaker: SB, Cow
• Black Arachnia, the Broodmother: Spider, Brood, BM
• Bone Clinkz, the Bone Fletcher: Clinkz, Bone, Fletcher
• Boush, the Tinker: Tinker
• Bradwarden, the Centaur Warchief: Centaur, Brad, Cent
• Chen, the Holy Knight: Chen
• Crixalis, the Sand King: Sand King, SK
• Darchrow, the Enigma: Enigma, Nigma
• Darkterror, the Faceless Void: Void, Faceless, Darkterror, FV
• Demnok Lennik, the Warlock: Warlock
• Dirge, the Undying: Udying
• Ezalor, the Keeper of the Light: KotL, Keeper
• Furion, the Prophet: Furion, Prophet
• Gondar, the Bounty Hunter: BH, Bounty
• Harbinger, the Obsidian Destroyer: Harbinger, OD, Obs
• Huskar, the Sacred Warrior: SW
• Ish'kafel, the Dark Seer: DS, seer
• Jah'rakal, the Troll Warlord: Troll
• Jakiro, the Twin Head Dragon: Jakiro
• Kardel Sharpeye, the Dwarven Sniper: Sniper
• Kel'Thuzad, the Lich: Lich
• King Leoric, the Skeleton King: SK, Leo
• Knight Davion, the Dragon Knight: DK
• Krobelus, the Death Prophet: DP
• Layana, the Templar Assasin: TA, Layana
• Lesale Deathbringer, the Venomancer: Veno, Venom
• Leshrac the Malicious, the Tormented Soul: Leshrac, Lesh
• Leviathan, the Tidehunter: TH, Levi, Tide
• Lina Inverse, the Slayer: Lina, Slayer
• Lion, the Demon Witch:Lion
• Lucifer, the Doom Bringer: Doom, Lucy
• Luna Moonfang, the Moon Rider: Luna
• Magina, the Anti-Mage: AM, Magina
• Magnus, the Magnataur:Magnus
• Mangix, the Pandaren Battlemaster: Panda
• Medusa, the Gorgon: Dusa, Medusa
• Mercurial, the Spectre: Spectre, Spec, (also, residing from older versions: Vengeance, Avatar, AoV)
• Mogul Kahn, the Axe: Axe
• Morphling, the Morphling: Morphling, Morph
• Mortred, the Phantom Assassin: PA, Mortred, Mort
• N'aix, the Lifestealer: Naix
• Nessaj, the Chaos Knight: CK, Chaos
• Nevermore, the Shadow Fiend: Nevermore, Fiend
• Nortrom, the Silencer: Silencer
• Pudge, the Butcher: Pudge, Butcher
• Pugna, the Oblivion: Pugna
• Purist Thunderwrath, the Omniknight: Omni, Omniknight
• Raigor Stonehoof, the Earthshaker: Earthshaker, ES
• Raijin, the Storm Spirit: Storm, SS
• Razor, the Lightning Revenant: Razor
• Razzil Darkbrew, the Alchemist: Alch
• Rexxar, the Beast Master: Rexxar, BM
• Rhasta, the Shadow Shaman: Rhasta
• Rigwarl, the Bristleback: Bristle, BB, Rigwarl
• Rikimaru, the Stealth Assassin: Riki, SA
• Rooftrellen, the Treant Protector: Roof, Tree, Treant
• Rotund'Jere, the Necrolyte: Necrolyte
• Rylai Crestfall, the Crystal Maiden: CM, Rylai, Crystal
• Shandelzare Silkwood, the Vengeful Spirit: VS, Venge
• Slardar, the Slithereen Guard: Slardar
• Slithice, the Naga Siren: Siren
• Squee and Spleen, the Goblin Techies: Techies
• Strygwyr, the Bloodseeker: BS, Strygwyr, Blood, Seeker
• Sven, the Rogue Knight: Sven
• Syllabear, the Lone Druid: Sylla
• Terrorblade, the Soul Keeper: TB, SK
• Tiny, the Mountain Giant: Tiny
• Traxex, the Drow Ranger: Drow
• Ulfsaar, the Ursa Warrior: Ulfsaar, Ursa, Fuzzy-Wuzzy
• Viper, the Netherdrake: Viper
• Visage, the Necro'lic: Visage, Necrolic
• Vol'Jin, the Witch Doctor: Witch Doctor, WD
• Yurnero, the Juggernaut: Jug, Jugger
• Zeus, the Lord of Olympia: Zeus
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Dota traditonal quest ver6.59b
King Shu'Halo - Tauren Chieftain hero new in Dota 6.60
Agility : 12 + 1.4
Intelligence : 15 + 1.8
Base MS : 285
Base Attack Speed : 1.54
Base Attack Damage : 58-63
Base Armor : 4
Base HP : 606
Base MP : 205
Base Range : Melee
The Tauren are proud of the ability to move their warlike. Property ponderosity large should each step of the Tauren are "in the natural site." Any enemy is behind the Tauren must bear in 1.5 seconds and after leaving the area, you lose all the blood. Mana cost 100 and 12 second cooldown.
Level 1: 40 damage / second exists in 5 seconds. Speed up the move to 5%.
Level 2: 55 damage / sec exist in 5 seconds. Speed up the move to 10%.
Level 3: 70 damage / sec exists in 6 seconds. Speed up the move to 15%.
Level 4: 85 damage / sec exists in 6 seconds. Speed up the move to 20%
Allow Shu'Halo can surf to the front quickly, out of the match and to make them slow. 80/100/120/140 consumption of Mana. Cooldown 16 seconds.
Level 1: Pedal from about 500 and 100 cause damage. Enemy which is within the influence of surfing chiêu will decrease 20% move speed for 3 seconds.
Level 2: Movie from about 600 and 150 cause damage. Enemy which is within the influence of surfing chiêu will decrease 25% move speed for 3 seconds.
Level 3: Movie from about 700 and 200 cause damage. Enemy which is within the influence of surfing chiêu will decrease 30% move speed for 4 seconds.
Level 4: Pedal from about 800 and 250 cause damage. Enemy which is within the influence of surfing chiêu will decrease 35% move speed for 4 seconds.
You can not be specified by the surf with your mouse Tauren Shu'Halo that automatically surf on the front of your body.
One way of helping Tauren become a wall firmly to the entire team. Add to 30% the ability of the ministun
Level 1: Community 0.6 Armor new alias, 15 damage 3 seconds Cooldown.
Level 2: The Armor 0.9 new alias, 25 damage Cooldown 2.5 seconds.
Level 3: Community 1.2 Armor new alias, 35 damage 2 seconds Cooldown.
Level 4: Community 1.5 Armor new alias, 45 damage Cooldown 1.5 seconds.
Tauren maximum will be add amor in 21 attack. Each Armor points will exist in 10 seconds.
Skill can complicate the enemy's. For example, in a battlefield combat, Tanker always stand covered for nuker ranger and, if used properly, will lead skill Tanker's circle behind the Tauren, the front tauren then the hero is less blood. And of course only influence the hero's, does not affect their military, creeps or trees ...
Tauren make it down the ground where he stands against that (1 second) and in trade around the enemy. Vibrant as the land around the tauren 180 degree change of position of the hero's will change from (180 degree rotation), and moving speed and attack speed by reducing them are worth tell. Cooldown time by way of the 120s.
Level 1: orbit 350 and the commercial aoe 150 damage. Scroll speed 40% reduced attack speed reduced 20% in 3 seconds.
Level 2: impact aoe 425 and 200 in trade damage. Scroll speed 50% reduced attack speed reduced 30% in 3.5 seconds.
Level 3: orbit 350 and the commercial aoe 250 damage. Scroll speed 60% reduced attack speed reduced 40% in 4 seconds.
Skills if this last match with Flame walk make environmental struggle quite favorable team.
Hey, Spin Ground will not move to the mountains to the mom, mom rock. Trees will be falling if the hero's enemy is moving on.
When's the team's or the room, one is of course we would be very difficult to touching hero agility or intel when the Ministry strengt protection as centaur, or Abbadon Skeleton King ... In due ranger caused most of the huge distance kept attacking (such as Drow, nevermore). Tectonics of Ultimte by Tauren allows change the location of the image and, when combined skill 1 and 2 to penetrate into the picture and before using ulti.
IBA :) but have fun :D
This idea is proudly presented to you by
- Volcove & NeoAxL -
DAWiki Link
The Fel Warlord
Despite that most of the orcs were relieved of their terrible bloodlust upon Mannoroth's death, there were some that remained attached to the demonic abilities granted to them by the curse. Most notable of them was Feraldos, a corrupted being that made the final transition from Orc to demon. Combining the savage brutality of his ancestry with the uncanny demon-based ability to manipulate the life force of those around him, the Fel Warlord returns to the world of the living. His one ambition lies with the destruction of the Sentinel, all to potray the terrible might of the Burning Legion.
QUOTE("Alternate In-game model")
Affiliation: Scourge
Hero Attributes
Strength - 22 + 2.5
Agility - 16 + 1.85
Intelligence - 15 + 1.7
Starting Hp - 568
Starting Mana - 195
Starting Damage - 48-51
Starting Armor - 3.3 (1 + 2.3 from Agi)
Attack Range - Melee (128)
Movement Speed - 305
Hero Abilities
Skill 1:
Demonic Strength
Type - Active, Single Target, Allied or enemy target, non Hero / Structure / Ancient
Mana Cost - 55/60/65/70
Cooldown - 4 seconds
Range - 650
Feraldos uses his demonic influence to strip a unit of his essence in order to bolster his own strength. Deals a small amount of damage, and if the spell kills the target, he gains a regeneration and attack bonus. Each individual effect lasts 25 seconds can stack up to 4 times. Cannot target heroes, structures, mechanicalsor ancients.
Level 1 - 80 damage spell, +10% damage & 0.8 hp/sec per unit sacraficed.
Level 2 - 120 damage spell, +15% damage & 1.2 hp/sec per unit sacraficed.
Level 3 - 160 damage spell, +20% damage & 1.6 hp/sec per unit sacraficed.
Level 4 - 200 damage spell, +25% damage & 2.0 hp/sec per unit sacraficed.
Skill 2:
Ethereal Bind
Type - Active, Single Target, Enemy Target
Mana Cost - 90/100/110/120
Cooldown - 15/13/11/9 seconds
Range - 550
Feraldos is able to call upon the restless soul from ethereal plane as his will. Summon an Ethereal Soul beside a target. It will then bind the target movement by slowing him as he get further away. But if the target get 700 unit away from it, the Ethereal Soul will fade & the target will regain the MS immediately. If the Ethereal Soul is killed during the duration, it will detonate, dealing damage & cause a 2 seconds stun toward the target. Ethereal Soul have 100 Hp, Ethereal form (Physical Immune + Increased Spell dmg taken), immobile, and would be summon as an enemy unit. Last 4.5 seconds.
Level 1 - Slow 5% for each 150 unit distance away. 80 Damage upon detonation.
Level 2 - Slow 10% for each 150 unit distance away. 120 Damage upon detonation.
Level 3 - Slow 15% for each 150 unit distance away. 160 Damage upon detonation.
Level 4 - Slow 20% for each 150 unit distance away. 200 Damage upon detonation.
Ethereal Soul's Model: Wisp with red / purple color tint.
The Ethereal Soul would be summoned at 100 units distance from the target in Feraldos's direction. It will be summoned as an enemy unit to prevent your enemy from hitting it, and to allow your Allies to kill it if needed.
Skill 3:
Essence of the Damned
Type - Toogle-able, Self-buff
Mana Cost - 20/25/30/35 per cast, 0 mana cost upon activation / deactivation.
Cooldown - 0 second
With his demonic power, Feraldos is able to manipulate the remaining essense of a fallen unit, forcefully drawing it as a barrier to protect himself. Whenever Feraldos killed a unit, he would grant a Soul Barrier, which block a certain amount of incoming damage toward him. Last indefinitely.
Level 1 - Cap of 5 souls, each soul block 15 dmg.
Level 2 - Cap of 5 souls, each soul block 30 dmg.
Level 3 - Cap of 5 souls, each soul block 45 dmg.
Level 4 - Cap of 5 souls, each soul block 60 dmg.
The animation would be numbers of floating red balls / souls around him.
Blood-Link Frenzy
Type - Active, Single Target, Enemy target
Mana Cost - 110/130/150
Cooldown - 60
Range - 550/650/750
Duration - 6/8/10 seconds
By linking his own fate to that of an hapless target, Feraldos draws on the enemy's life force to work himself into a violent frenzy. Feraldos recieves an attack speed bonus, and during the effect of the frenzy, the enemy linked to him will take a percentage of any damage Feraldos recieves.
Level 1 - 55% IAS, target takes 30% of damage Feraldos recieves
Level 2 - 65% IAS, target takes 40% of damage Feraldos recieves
Level 3 - 75% IAS, target takes 50% of damage Feraldos recieves
Skills Synergies