Saturday, February 28, 2009

game modes of dota allstar

Everyone may pick heroes from any tavern.
Incompatible with allrandom, teamrandom, leaguemode, moderandom, voterandom, and reverse.

Every player gets a random hero from any tavern.
Incompatible with allpick, teamrandom, leaguemode, voterandom, moderandom, and reverse.

Randomly picks a mode from ar, ap, tr and normal pick.
Incompatible with allrandom, allpick, teamrandom, leaguemode, voterandom, reverse, and deathmatch.

All forms of random are disabled. 10 players required. The teams will pick in alternating orders, one team picking one hero, the other team picks two heroes, the first team picks two heroes, the other team picks two heroes, the first team picks their two last heroes, the other team picks their last hero. (1-2-2-2-2-1). The team which has the first pick is random.
Incompatible with allrandom, allpick, mirrormatch, teamrandom, deathmatch, moderandom, allagility, allintelligence, allstrength, itemdrop, nopowerups, supercreeps, easymode, duplicatemode, voterandom, samehero, and reverse.

Three random matchups will be chosen, and each players gets to cast a vote on which of the three matchups they want, using "-option #" where # is 1, 2 or 3.
Needs an even amount of players on each team to be activated.
Incompatible with leaguemode, allrandom, mirrormode, teamrandom, deathmatch, moderandom, allagility, allintelligence, allstrength, samehero, and reverse.

-reverse The Sentinel's players pick the Scourge's team and the Scourge's players pick the Sentinel's team.
Needs an even amount of players on each team to be activated.
Incompatible with allpick, allrandom, teamrandom, moderandom, leaguemode, voterandom, deathmatch, and samehero.

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